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Perth Mint novosti 2012 - Koala 2012, Kookaburra 2012, Canadian Wildlife - Cougar
Urejanje objav
Zaenkrat jih lahko samo gledate - novosti 2012 :
- Koala 2012
- Kookaburra 2012
- Canadian wildlife serija (3 srebrnik od 6 )
- Koala 2012
- Kookaburra 2012
- Canadian wildlife serija (3 srebrnik od 6 )
Koala 2012 - Perth Mint nov srebrnik |
Canadian Wildlife - Cougar - nov srebrnik Royal Canadian Mint |
Kookaburra 2012 - Perth Mint nov srebrnik |
Marc faber - o zlatu, srebru, delnicah, finančnih trgih, dolgu QE3, USD, priložnostih..
Urejanje objav
Marc Faber analizira in razmišlja o dogajanju na finančnih trgih v prihodnosti....
Doug Casey - zlato, srebro, recesija, korekcija, depresija - nižji življenski standard
Urejanje objav
Stari lisjak Doug Casey se v pogovoru - izvajanju dotakne in analizira aktualno gospodarsko in finančno situacijo po svetu in vzroke, o delnicah, mehurčkih - balonih, nepremičnine, o USD , zlato, srebro... o neumnih (bankrotiranih) vladah po svetu, recesija, nevarna situacija, ker se vlade vmešavajo v ekonomijo, tiskanje denarja, inflacija, odplačevanje dolga, .... korupiran sistem, birokracija, regulacija trga, odgovornost , ekonomski cikli, fractional reserve banking, lahek dostop do denarja... kaj lahko investitorji (vlagatelji, naložbeniki) naredijo zase..... inflacijska depresija , kako postati bogat (obogateti - povečati premoženje)
Odličen pregled aktualnega dogajanja, vzroki, posledice in kaj narediti za zaščito in plemenitenje premoženja
Zelo priporočam kot koristno porabljenih 25 min Vašega časa (za začetnike in "stare mačke"
Odličen pregled aktualnega dogajanja, vzroki, posledice in kaj narediti za zaščito in plemenitenje premoženja
Zelo priporočam kot koristno porabljenih 25 min Vašega časa (za začetnike in "stare mačke"
Vse NAJ (slabše) za toj 40 rojstni dan, FIAT Dollar (USD) - bye bye zlato kritje
Urejanje objav
15 Avgusta 1971 (dobri stari brezskrbni časi otroštva) je Richard Nixon (še marsikaj je "ušpičil") razglasil konec "vezave" USD na zlato in s tem je dolar dokončno in nepreklico postal izključno FIAT valuta (njegove "uspehe" smo spremljali zadnja 4 desetletja....)
Nixon ga je (USD) s tem "zaščitil" (njegove besede) pred grdimi mednarodnimi špekulanti....... (in nikakor nisi bila krivda na dolgovih, inflaciji, Vietnamski vojni, razširjanju imperija ZDA, vlogi "svetovnega policaja" "izvažanju demokracije", "fractional reserve" bančništvu.......)
Dejansko je šlo za že drugi default od ustanovitve FED -a .......Prvi default 1933 - zaplemba zlata (Executive Order 6102)
Kako so se gibale cene med 1920 do 1971 (naraščajoče) in od 1971 naprej (hmmm.. zelooo strmo navzgor) , analogno temu se je zviševala tudi M1 , M2 in M3
Hmmm a bo(fiat) USD doživel Abrahama - 50 obletnico? Ne verjamem - si kdo upa staviti ... bo prilezel vsaj do 45 ... hmmm osebno ne bi stavil svojega "dime" (še srebrnega) nanj, pa Vi ?!
Doctor: Uncle Sam, you've been drinking larger and larger amounts of alcohol every day since 1960. 1960 was the last year where you didn't drink. You are going to die if you keep this up.
Uncle Sam: I don't want to die, Doc. Tell me what I need to do.
Doctor: Well, from 1960-1975 you weren't too bad. You drank 3 or 4 beers per day but it was under control. You could have stopped if you wanted... you just didn't. However, throughout the 80s it increased to about 5 or 6 per day and then by the 90s you were up to drinking 10 beers a day.
Uncle Sam: Yes, Doc, but remember 1999 and 2000? I slowed to only 5 or 6 beers per day again.
Doctor: Yes, but that was just for 2 years. Since then you've gotten completely out of control. You've increased every year since and then, since 2008 to now you've gone from 30 to 40 beers per day.
Uncle Sam: Ok Doc. It's time to get serious. Here is what I'm going to do. I am now drinking 40 beers per day but in 2013 I will only drink 39.6. And in 2014 I will only drink 39.4 beers per day. By 2021 I will be down to 38 beers per day. Will that work?
Doctor: You're in denial. And, you'll be lucky to make it to 2013 much less 2021.
Nixon ga je (USD) s tem "zaščitil" (njegove besede) pred grdimi mednarodnimi špekulanti....... (in nikakor nisi bila krivda na dolgovih, inflaciji, Vietnamski vojni, razširjanju imperija ZDA, vlogi "svetovnega policaja" "izvažanju demokracije", "fractional reserve" bančništvu.......)
Dejansko je šlo za že drugi default od ustanovitve FED -a .......Prvi default 1933 - zaplemba zlata (Executive Order 6102)
Kako so se gibale cene med 1920 do 1971 (naraščajoče) in od 1971 naprej (hmmm.. zelooo strmo navzgor) , analogno temu se je zviševala tudi M1 , M2 in M3
Hmmm a bo(fiat) USD doživel Abrahama - 50 obletnico? Ne verjamem - si kdo upa staviti ... bo prilezel vsaj do 45 ... hmmm osebno ne bi stavil svojega "dime" (še srebrnega) nanj, pa Vi ?!
Doctor: Uncle Sam, you've been drinking larger and larger amounts of alcohol every day since 1960. 1960 was the last year where you didn't drink. You are going to die if you keep this up.
Uncle Sam: I don't want to die, Doc. Tell me what I need to do.
Doctor: Well, from 1960-1975 you weren't too bad. You drank 3 or 4 beers per day but it was under control. You could have stopped if you wanted... you just didn't. However, throughout the 80s it increased to about 5 or 6 per day and then by the 90s you were up to drinking 10 beers a day.
Uncle Sam: Yes, Doc, but remember 1999 and 2000? I slowed to only 5 or 6 beers per day again.
Doctor: Yes, but that was just for 2 years. Since then you've gotten completely out of control. You've increased every year since and then, since 2008 to now you've gone from 30 to 40 beers per day.
Uncle Sam: Ok Doc. It's time to get serious. Here is what I'm going to do. I am now drinking 40 beers per day but in 2013 I will only drink 39.6. And in 2014 I will only drink 39.4 beers per day. By 2021 I will be down to 38 beers per day. Will that work?
Doctor: You're in denial. And, you'll be lucky to make it to 2013 much less 2021.